Arizona District Office

u s small business administration

March 2 Virtual Workshop: Selling to the Federal Government

A business storefront and government building with the SBA logo in the corner.  The text reads, How to Do Business with the Federal Government

Small business contractors continue to play an important role in helping federal agencies respond during the COVID-19 pandemic. Opportunities remain available for small businesses to bid on contracts and contribute to the mission of agencies.

Join us for an overview of how to sell to the federal government, to include SBA programs and certifications to assist your small business.  

This month we welcome Tamara E. Murray, Underwriting & Marketing Specialist for SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee Program. SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee Program can help your small business get bonded for projects up to $10 million!  Our discussion will include an overview of contract bonds – what they are and how to get pre-qualified for bonding – and how SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee Program can open doors to bonding for your small business by reducing barriers to bonding and increasing your contracting opportunities.
