Arizona District Office

u s small business administration

November 2 Virtual Workshop: Selling to the Federal Government #VetBiz

Photo of five people framed around an illustration of the U.S. with text, National Veterans Small Business Week, Oct.31-Nov.4,

During National Veterans Small Business Week, learn about SBA resources to help your #VetBiz identify and compete for federal contract opportunities.

Join us for an overview of how to sell to the federal government, to include SBA programs and certifications to assist your small business.  

This month, we will include a focus on celebrating the strength and resilience of the veteran and military small business community, as we welcome guest presenter Catalina (Cathy) Fernandez, Small Business Specialist within the NCO 22 Network Contracting Office, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  Ms. Fernandez will present on doing business with the agency and VA resources to support small business owners. 
