November 4– Friday
Franchising 101 for Veterans: Fundamentals, Facts, Myths and more – 12pm – VBOC
November 8 – Tuesday
Do You Think You Need a Business Plan? Let Us Help You Take the Anxiety Out of Creating One – 10am – SCORE
Branding 101 – 11:30am – Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE)
Stick Season Spruce Up – 1:30 – NH SBDC (multiple sessions)
Legal Considerations When Starting Your Business – 3pm – Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE)
November 10 – Thursday
Legal Considerations When Starting Your Business – 3pm – Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE)
November 14- Monday
Offline Marketing 101: Small Business Marketing. Challenging, Petrifying and Scary! Where to Start? – 2pm – SCORE
November 15– Tuesday
Online Marketing 101: Small Business Marketing. Challenging, Petrifying and Scary! Where to Start? – 10am – SCORE
Storytelling and Your Business: Attracting Your Ideal Customer – 10am – Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE)
Marketing 101 – 11am- Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE)
Stick Season Spruce Up – 1:30 – NH SBDC (multiple sessions)
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program – 2pm – SCORE
November 16 – Wednesday
Quickbooks 101 – What Can Accounting Do For Your Business? – 10am – SCORE
Choosing the Right Web Platform – 12pm – Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE)
November 17 – Thursday
SEO for Etsy – 10am – Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE)
Quickbooks 102 – 10am – SCORE
November 22 – Tuesday
What financial principles are a must for starting a business? -10am -SCORE
Stick Season Spruce Up – 1:30 – NH SBDC (multiple sessions)
November 30 – Wednesday
Social Media Safety and Online Security for Business Owners and Business Accounts – 10am – SCORE

NH PTAC and the New Hampshire Small Business Development Center (NHSBDC) teamed with BAE Electronic Systems to establish a new government contracting training opportunity. The pilot version was launched last month and will conclude in January.
The Subcontracting Academy is a 12-week cohort program designed for small and medium firms ready to meet this demand. Configured as six, two- and one-half hour class training sessions on alternate weeks, with structured help sessions in the intervening weeks, the goal is to identify weaknesses and strengths, and to implement plans to best utilize strengths while addressing areas that need further development.
NH PTAC covers areas specific to government contracting and subcontracting requirements, such as federal certifications, mandatory contract clauses and Department of Defense cybersecurity requirements. NH SBDC addresses business systems, cash flow, planning and resiliency issues, among other topics.
Interested? Contact us for more information.
11/15 Outreach, Networking, Federal Contracting Opportunities -1pm-4pm
NH PTAC, NH SBA, and the U.S. Department of State invite representatives of small businesses to join them at the Milford Community House to learn about opportunities in government contracting.
Attendees can take part in a networking event with several federal agencies discuss with them how they can help meet their contracting needs.
For more information, click here.
11/16 BidMatch Profiles – 12pm-1pm – PTAC
NH PTAC’s free Bidmatch service automates daily searches for government bid opportunities and market intelligence. This webinar examines what the service searches, and how search profiles are designed to produce individualized results. NH PTAC counselors, through many years’ experiences, share the best ways to build an effective search profile.
Register here.

Small Business Person of the Year Award: Nominees must bear principal responsibility for operating a small business for a minimum of three years prior to being nominated and demonstrate success in business as well as contributions to their local communities.
Small Business Exporter of the Year: SBA’s Small Business Exporter of the Year recognizes individuals for their success and dedication to exporting products or services. Nominees will be evaluated on:
New Hampshire District Office Awards:
Jeffrey Butland Family-Owned Small Business of the Year: Any small business that is family-owned and operated, with a 15-year track record that has been passed on from at least one generation to another.
Minority Small Business Owner: Any individual who qualifies as a minority and who owns at least 51% and operates a small business may be nominated.
Veteran Small Business Owner: Any individual(s) who owns at least 51% and operates a small business and is a veteran of the U.S. armed forces may be nominated.
Woman Small Business Owner: Any woman/women who owns at least 51% and operates a small business may be nominated.
Microenterprise: Any individual(s) who founded, owns, and operates a business with 5 or fewer employees (including the owner).
Young Entrepreneur: Any individual(s), under the age of 30 by June 1st, 2023, who owns at least 51% and operates a small business may be nominated.
Small Business Manufacturer: Any small business manufacturer may be nominated. Highlighting demonstrated creativity and/or commitment to a social mission, buying local, etc.
Homebased Business Owner: Any small business operated out of a home office location may be nominated.
Financial Services Champion: Any Individual who assists small businesses through advocacy to increase usefulness and availability of accounting or financial services.
To be nominated and receive one of the following awards, the nominee must fit within the category of the award, have a three-year track record, have received at least one type of SBA assistance.
A complete nomination package will require a completed background form (SBA Form 3300) and the SBA District Office Award Form (SBA Form 3315), both found at www.sba.gov/nsbw.
All nominations must be received by the NH District office (by electronic submission ONLY) to the district office BOX account no later than 3:00 p.m. on December 8th, 2022. *Incomplete packages will not be accepted.
To obtain information please contact Cheryl Croto- Cheryl.croto@sba.gov or call 603-892-8901
The Spirit of NH Awards are New Hampshire’s largest volunteer recognition ceremony.
Each fall, Volunteer NH recognizes nominees with Volunteer Service Awards & Volunteer Champion Awards, as well as a recent addition, a People’s Choice Award. While all relevant nominees are invited to attend the Spirit of NH Awards ceremony, one nominee from each subcategory is selected to receive an Outstanding Volunteer Service/Champion Award, and one winner is selected to receive the top honor of the night, the Spirit of NH Award.
SCORE NH will be recognized by VolunteerNH as Volunteer Champions of the Year, at a live event on Nov 16th, but also eligible for the People’s Choice Award, which is based on live voting over the next two weeks.
The State of NH is re-opening applications for the Local Restaurant Infrastructure Investment Program which provides awards to local restaurants seeking reimbursement for eligible equipment, infrastructure, and technology purchases up to an award cap of $15,000. The program is meant to reimburse restaurants for upgrades in technology or equipment to address staffing issues and covid mitigation measures. See FAQ sheet here.
If you are a restaurant and did not apply before, you are eligible.
For more information