Rhode Island District Office  – November 26, 2022

u s small business administration

With the holidays right around the corner, the SBA is gifting this 2-part webinar series on in conjunction with the FTC just for you.

sba and ftc

Cybersecurity Basics to Help You Keep
Your Business Data Safe

Part 1 – Tuesday, November 29th
12:00-1:00pm EST

Protecting Personal Information:
Ten Cybersecurity Principles for Small Businesses

This webinar will focus on the fundamentals:

  • Start with security: Building security into office practices and product development
  • Data minimization: Collecting only what you need, keeping it safe, and disposing of it securely
  • Limiting access on a need-to-know basis
  • Configuring your network for superior security
  • Keeping your guard up: Vulnerabilities hackers look for in spotting their next target

Part 2 – Tuesday, December 6th
12:00-1:00pm EST

Putting Those Principles into Practice at Your Small Business

This webinar will cover:

  • Best password and authentication practices
  • Do your vendor contracts include essential security provisions?
  • How to respond in case of a data breach
  • Assisting victims of identity theft
  • What the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires of your business
  • The weakest link or your strongest defense? Training your staff to put security first

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