South Florida District Office 

u s small business administration

Illustration of a main street with small businesses, shop small logo, SBA logo and text, Small Business Saturday, November 26, 2022.

QuickBooks Desktop   –   November 14  6 pm

Keep track of what is going on…this is not just an accounting tool, it can help you run your business

All you need to know about managing customers, selling goods & services, recording expenses, and creating reports.

This workshop gives you an overview of QuickBooks to avoid common mistakes and potentially wasted effort and time. If you already have QuickBooks, learn the basics: invoice customers, track receivables and receive payments, enter and pay vendor bills, receive and monitor inventory, reconcile accounts, and prepare financial statements.

QuickBooks Desktop | SCORE


Financing Your Business   –  November 15  10 am

Are you looking for money for your business? Are you considering a SBA loan? This seminar will help you zero in on the right funding choices for your business and avoid money scams. Our financing veteran will educate you on how to ask for a loan, get prepared for the bank and where to find money in a tight-fisted economy.

You’ll explore: • SBA loans: when, where and how to apply • How to plan your financing request to banks • Which banks are making loan • Angel investors and venture capitalists • Six Cs of credit and how credit scores affect your business • The fundamentals of royalties, licensing and supplier credit • Busting the myths about small business grants


Start Up, Start Right   –  November 15  11 am

A great small business always starts out as an idea, but eventually that idea needs to be turned into a reality. Most businesses never get started because individuals tend to overthink and feel overwhelmed with the process. Getting a business started is easier than you think.

During our workshop, we will cover basic steps to turn your idea into a reality. Like any big goal, we will start by breaking it down into smaller tasks. This course will cover the legal, financial and marketing aspects you will be able to tackle in order to get started. Also highlight resources available to ensure your success.

Start Up, Start Right (


State of Florida Virtual B2B Reboot   –   November 15 – 16  1 pm

Owning a Veteran-Owned Small Business Veterans have the character, discipline and skills needed to succeed as small business owners and entrepreneurs. Wondering what it takes and how you can prepare? Enroll in Boots to Business Reboot.

About Boots to Business Reboot Boots to Business Reboot is an entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The course provides an overview of entrepreneurship and applicable business ownership fundamentals. Veterans of all eras, Active Duty Service members (including National Guard and Reserve), and spouses are eligible to participate.

During Reboot, participants are introduced to the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to launch a business, including steps for developing business concepts, how to develop a business plan, and information on SBA resources available to help. The program is facilitated by subject matter experts from the SBA and their extensive network of skilled business advisors.

Participants that complete an in-person or online B2B Reboot course can elect to further their study through one of many B2B online courses, offered at no cost to Service members, Veterans and military spouses. If you’ve already attended an in-person or online B2B Reboot course, visit to sign up for one of the online B2B follow-on courses.

Reboot Course Information (


Creating your own business Value Proposition Canvas (VPC)   – November 15   6pm

This workshop will cover the fundamentals of a VPC and how it can be used as a strategic tool to visually display a business model’s solution to its market/customer problem in a one-page template.

Participants will learn what is:

  1. The value Proposition Canvas and its benefits
  2. The process by which they can produce a VPC for their business
  3. The ways in which a VPC can be used and the best time to apply it

Creating your own business Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) (

Accessing Capital for Your Business: What You Need to Know   –  November 16   10 am

Capital is the lifeline of any businesses, but especially small businesses seeking to scale. Without adequate financing, most entrepreneurs cannot start or grow their existing companies. Because access to capital is critical for small business success, we will discuss funding opportunities available for businesses seeking financing to grow their business.

Overview ⋮ Accessing Capital for Your Business: What You Need to Know Capital ⋮ Blackthorn ⋮ Events


8(a) Federal Contracting Certification   –  November 16   11 am

Learn how SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Program helps small, disadvantaged businesses compete in the marketplace. This class focuses on the benefits of this program. It also covers the eligibility requirements necessary to participate.• The 8(a) Business Development Program is a business assistance program for small disadvantaged businesses. The 8(a) Program offers a broad scope of assistance to firms that are owned and controlled at least 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.• There are substantial benefits of partaking in the program, such as the consideration and preference for government procurement.• The 8(a) Program is an essential instrument for helping socially and economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs gain access to the economic mainstream of American society. The program helps thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs to gain a foothold in government contracting.

8(a) Federal Contracting Certification Webinar Tickets, Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite


Miami-Dade Business Navigator Info Session   –   November 16   11 am

If your business is located in Miami-Dade County and is majority-owned by a woman, veteran or socially and economically disadvantaged individual, make sure to log on to this info session. The Miami-Dade Business Navigator (MDBN) program is an exciting new local initiative funded, in part, through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

The program brings together seven local groups working to expand their reach and support small and micro-businesses like yours.

Register TODAY and learn how you can access one-on-one consulting, training, business information and resources from your Business Navigators.

Miami-Dade Business Navigator Info Session (


Effective Networking Skills to Grow Your Business   –   November 16  12 noon

Have you ever wondered how some people possess the type of skills that make them shine and stand out in a crowd? They can walk into a room or meeting and create a presence, make a connection- and either start or deepen the rapport and connection. Or they can build and deepen relationships with business partners, alliances, and sources right at their desk as they go through their daily work. They can be either an introvert or an extrovert– either style works just as well as the four dominant communication styles. We use them all whether we realize it or not. What are the strategies and best practices that cause someone to take note, become engaged anywhere they go and to incorporate these skills into their daily life?

Effective Networking Skills to Grow Your Business | SCORE


Sesion Informativa Programa de Navegadores Miami-Dade   –   November 16    1 pm

Si su empresa está ubicada en el condado de Miami-Dade y su propiedad mayoritaria es de una mujer, un veterano o una persona socialmente y económicamente desfavorecida no se pierda esta sesión de información sobre nuestro Programa de Negocios Navegadores de Miami-Dade. El programa Business Navigator de Miami-Dade (MDBN) es una nueva e interesante iniciativa local financiada, en parte, a través de una subvención de la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas (SBA) de EE. UU.

El programa reúne a siete grupos locales que trabajan para ampliar su alcance y apoyar a las pequeñas y microempresas como la suya.

Regístrese HOY y descubra cómo puede acceder a consultoría, capacitación, información empresarial y recursos personalizados desde sus Business Navigators.

Sesion Informativa Programa de Navegadores Miami-Dade (


Stand Out Online With Google’s Tools for Small Business   –   November 16   6pm

This workshop will introduce you to Google’s many tools to help you operate your business. Having an online presence is important to the success of many businesses. Visibility on search sites can lead customers to your business. Google is one of the “go to” places for online searches. Google can also provide significant cloud based infrastructure for small businesses that empowers owners at little or no cost. This workshop will introduce you to Google’s many tools to help you operate your business.

  • Get your business on Google for free
  • Learn how to be found when people search on Google
  • Position your business on Google Maps
  • Build your first website for free
  • Use Google tools to start a website
  • View templates that are easy to us

Stand Out Online With Google’s Tools for Small Business | SCORE


SEO Strategies to Improve Your Google Rankings   –  November 17   10 am

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a major component of online marketing. This seminar will teach you how to develop an effective SEO strategy for your business. 

More specifically, attendees will learn: •    basic SEO terminology •    how a website is indexed •    how to conduct keyword research  •    on-page optimization strategies •    developing quality content

Registration (


Financial Must Haves for Business Owners Post Hurricane Ian  –  November 17  11am

Like thousands of business owners across SWFL, you are no doubt feeling the effects of Hurricane Ian. For some, business is booming. For many others, operations came to a screeching halt on Sept. 28.

Regardless of where you are, it’s critical to have a game plan for your short-term survival and long-term success. For many, that starts with getting a handle on the money side of things and taking an objective look at what’s in front of you.

Join Business Advisors Angi Semler Welch and Cheryl Lynch from Cultivate Advisors, for a hands-on workshop in which you’ll learn how to objectively assess your business situation and identify actionable next steps that will help empower you to move forward. This will include:

  1. Planning for Cash Flow & Working Capital – What is your short-term and mid-term financial picture? How do you build a cash flow plan and evaluate best- and worst-case scenarios? How much do you need in relief loans or working capital? What are your options for securing more?
  2. Assessing Your Business Needs & Opportunities – What does it look like to rebuild? How can you innovate or “pivot”? How do you ramp up overnight to meet the explosive demand for your products or services?
  3. Identifying Resources & Support – What else do you need right now? How can you get connected to those other resources?

The 90-minute workshop will include a core program for 1 hour with an additional 30 minutes for Q&A and working on a game plan for your business.

Overview ⋮ Financial Must Haves for Business Owners Post Hurricane Ian ⋮ Blackthorn ⋮ Events


Comenzando su negocio   –  November 17    11am

Una gran pequeña empresa siempre comienza como una idea, pero eventualmente esa idea debe convertirse en realidad. La mayoría de las empresas nunca comienzan porque las personas tienden a pensar demasiado y a sentirse abrumadas con el proceso. Iniciar un negocio es más fácil de lo que cree. Asista a este seminario para aprender los pasos básicos y convertir su idea en realidad.

Comenzando su negocio (



Live Event! – This workshop covers the services offered by FLWBC to support you in achieving your goals… Including FREE 1 on 1 counseling

Nov 17 Start, Get Funding, Grow & Run a Successful Business (


Securing Your Online Accounts and Data: 4 Common Myths That Put Your Data at Risk

–  November 17  12 noon

Whether you’re just starting a new business venture or are taking your operations to the next level, every business owner needs to know the basics of good data security. Since the start of the pandemic, the FBI has reported a 300% increase in cybercrime and the numbers are only rising. 

Entrepreneurs and small business owners are prime targets for these attacks, because most lack the knowledge necessary to defend against them. However, if you are armed with the knowledge to proactively defend against these attacks, you and your clients will be safe and well-protected.

In this webinar we will review:  

  • 4 Myths secretly sabotaging your data security, and how to fix them.  
  • Simple steps you can implement today to dramatically reduce your risk of becoming a victim.
  • The #1 most important thing to do now to ensure you bounce back quickly from any disaster.

Questions we will answer in this session:

  • What factors increase your risk of cyberattacks as an entrepreneur?
  • Why are the old standbys (antivirus and strong passwords) no longer good enough?
  • How can you prevent 3rd parties from taking over your online accounts?
  • How to properly backup data, and why your current approach may still leave you exposed.

Securing Your Online Accounts and Data: 4 Common Myths That Put Your Data at Risk | U.S. Small Business Administration (


Overview of SBA Programs and Services   –  November 17  1 pm

This webinar covers the programs and services the Small Business Administration (SBA) offers to help you start and grow your business.  Although the SBA is usually associated with loans, this overview will run through the SBA Loan Programs as well as our other programs and services including counseling, export assistance, government contracting, surety bonds and disaster assistance.

Overview of SBA Programs and Services with Lonnie Koyama, SBA (


Build & Improve Your Social Media Presence: FB, TW, YT, IG  –  November 17  6:30 pm

Social Media marketing is a powerful and effective marketing channel—and potential game-changer.

In this workshop, we’ll guide your strategy with effective tools to establish and grow your online presence.


  • How to design a memorable online brand with personality,
  • The secret to connecting through value,
  • The best way to identify and find your ideal online client,
  • Social automation essentials to free up your time.


  • The key to understanding a Social Media Plan: True North Approach,
  • The formula to make your business more tech-savvy/friendly,
  • How to master your online messaging with this easy 1-2-3 technique,
  • Easy steps to integrate your social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, Twitter.

Build & Improve Your Social Media Presence: FB, TW, YT, IG | SCORE


A&O Mesa redonda de pequeñas: Franquicias: lo que necesita saber  –  November 17   7 pm

¿Es propietario de una pequeña empresa que busca una franquicia? ¿Es usted un emprendedor interesado en adquirir una franquicia? Este dinámico seminario en línea le brindará conocimientos comerciales y legales, claves para tomar una decisión informada sobre las franquicias. En particular, los puntos a tratar en el seminario serán:• Descripción de las opciones de franquicia • Pros y contras de las franquicias • Cómo evaluar las oportunidades de franquicia • Preparar un negocio para obtener una franquicia

Overview ⋮ A&O Mesa redonda de pequeñas: Franquicias: lo que necesita saber ⋮ Blackthorn ⋮ Events


Women’s Roundtable   –  November 18  10 am

Discover the strength of building a strong network and how today’s businesswomen are accomplishing more than ever before. 

Our open discussions review:

  • Converting leads into cash.
  • Aligning with and supporting your goals through strategic alliances.
  • Processes that guarantee results.
  • Creating community partners to leverage your time and money.
  • Initiating action instead of “the deer in the headlights” apathy.
  • Believing in your products, services and yourself.

Meeting Registration – Zoom


Pasos Sencillos – Asuntos financieros; La decisión final   –  November 19  9:30 am


El taller, ‘Pasos Sencillos’, organizado por Hispanic Unity y SCORE Broward, le ayudará a preparar un plan de negocios para convertir su sueño en realidad.

Comenzar su propio negocio es una decisión difícil. Usted no tiene que hacerlo solo.

Esta es una serie de talleres dividido en 5 partes que le guiará a través de los fundamentos de la creación de empresas. Si usted está dispuesto a trabajar seriamente con los instructores, comprenderá de mejor manera los retos y oportunidades con que se enfrentará. Usted obtendrá un plan y estimación financiera y un plan de marketing, ambos necesarios para este emprendimiento.

A medida que avanza a través de los talleres un tutor le será asignado, quien le ayudará con el proceso paso a paso. Incluye:

Taller # 4 y 5: Asuntos financieros; La decisión final – El ir o no ir  

  • Planificación financiera
  • Comprender y utilizar las declaraciones financieras
  • Búsqueda de financiamiento para su negocio

Pasos Sencillos – Asuntos financieros; La decisión final – El ir o no ir | SCORE


How To Increase Sales During Uncertain Times   –  November 28  6pm

Learn how to get existing customers to buy. Replace customers that disappeared. Start up a pipeline of prospects.

Learn about:

  • The B2B Process Sale.
  • How to approach business prospects and develop trust.
  • How a pipeline supports consistent new accounts.
  • Growing your business by tapping your market’s potential.
  • Why you must “Ask for the order”

How To Increase Sales During Uncertain Times | SCORE


Federal Government Contracting 101   –  November 29   10am

Ready…set…sell to the federal government! This workshop provides information on registering with the federal government, how to locate federal opportunities, who to market to within the federal government, and so much more!


How to Create your Business Plan  –  November 29  10:30 am

Many potential entrepreneurs lose track when it comes to drafting their business idea into a business plan. Understand that a business plan forces potential owners to be specific about what they will offer. A business plan is also mandatory for talking with bankers or investors. That being said, don’t let the idea of drafting a business plan delay your opportunity to move forward. Let’s focus on how you can get the idea out of your head and onto the page!! Participants will learn what is: 1. A Business plan and why every business should have one 2. The business planning process 3. The steps to building an effective business plan

How to Create your Business Plan (


Marketing for Small & Micro Businesses   –  November 29  6:30 pm

Small Business Startup & Growth Workshop Series Brought to you by the Florida SBDC at FIU & the City of Miami Gardens

(FSBDC) at FIU and the City of Miami Gardens are hosting a Small Business Startup & Growth Workshop Series that will provide training from highly experienced business experts!

During these trainings, businesses will learn:

  • Steps to starting a business
  • Review of financial concepts
  • How to start doing business with the government
  • Learn how to create a marketing
  • plan for a mini or micro business

Marketing for Small & Micro Businesses – Florida International University (


A&O Mesa Redonda de pequenas empresas: Franquicias: lo que necesita saber (In-Person)  –  December 1   7pm

¿Es propietario de una pequeña empresa que busca una franquicia? ¿Es usted un emprendedor interesado en adquirir una franquicia? Este dinámico seminario en línea le brindará conocimientos comerciales y legales, claves para tomar una decisión informada sobre las franquicias. En particular, los puntos a tratar en el seminario serán:• Descripción de las opciones de franquicia • Pros y contras de las franquicias • Cómo evaluar las oportunidades de franquicia • Preparar un negocio para obtener una franquicia

A&O Mesa redonda de pequeñas: Franquicias: lo que necesita saber – Florida International University (


Human Resources 101  –  December 6   10 am

Human Resources is about people. It has a huge effect on the culture and environment in your workplace, setting the tone for how employees communicate, settle disputes, and work with each other. In this seminar, you will learn what you need to know as a new or growing small business for managing HR in your workplace.

Topics covered include:

  • Staffing and retention best practices
  • What to include in your employee handbook or policy manual
  • Employee relations and how to handle work disputes
  • How to set up employee files and display required Labor Law posters
  • 1099 versus W-2
  • Best practices for everyday personnel (and self) management
  • Other topics helpful to your business.

Getting from Idea to Action: Business Planning 101   –  December 6   1 pm

Do you have an idea for a business? Does it often seem like a shapeless cloud floating in your head? This idea motivate you, but it doesn’t help you assess how feasible your idea is and how it can realistically produce value.

Writing a business plan is an invaluable exercise to bring you down from the cloud. It helps give form to your ideas by prompting you to specify key elements of your business. This will help you assess whether they exist or not and identify blind spots of which you are not aware – so that you can cover them.

In this webinar, you will learn about the standard content of a business plan, how to flesh out and organize this content, and how to begin making your financial projections.

Getting from Idea to Action: Business Planning 101 (Webinar) – Florida International University (


More Events and Workshops


Find events | U.S. Small Business Administration (


Miami-Dade Business Navigators


Florida Women’s Business Center Workshops


Tampa Bay Women’s Business Center Workshops


Florida Small Business Development Center at FIU – Miami


Florida Small Business Development Center at UCF – Orlando


Florida Small Business Development Center at USF – Tampa


Broward SCORE Workshops


Manasota SCORE Workshops


Miami-Dade SCORE Workshops


Palm Beach SCORE Workshops


Space Coast SCORE Workshops


Southwest SCORE – Ft. Myers Workshops


Treasure Coast SCORE Workshops

Check out our Website for more Events!


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