Mike Vlacich
Regional Administrator
New England Regional Office
U.S. Small Business Administration
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic small businesses across New England and the entire country have faced unimaginable challenges. Business closures, loss of employees, loss of income, changing business models—these are the issues our nation’s small businesses have been dealing with since March of 2020.
Yet, throughout the pandemic, the American entrepreneurial spirit has helped us propel our nation forward. SBA is helping America’s small businesses rebuild and strengthen the U.S. economy, and we would like to honor these individuals for their resiliency and achievements during SBA’s 2023 National Small Business Week (NSBW).
Here at the SBA we commend the sacrifices and accomplishments of the tenacious small business owners, surviving and thriving during a global health crisis.
In May of 2022, the SBA celebrated NSBW with a virtual awards ceremony as well as in-person events scattered across the country. Here in New England, we made a strong return to in-person events with all the district offices hosting at least one, and we are planning for in-person awards events for 2023 now.
NSBW is not new. We’ve been celebrating it for more than 50 years, and although our celebrations have been a little different the last couple of years, the message remains the same. NSBW is a time for us to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs, small business owners, and others who support entrepreneurship from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and U.S. territories. Every day, they are working to grow small businesses, create 21st-century jobs, drive innovation , and increase America’s global competitiveness.
Now, I know small business owners don’t have any downtime, but while you are home over the weekend, I urge you to take a little time to put together a nomination package for your business. Filling out the required forms takes about an hour and a half, and this is time well spent; it is something good you can do for your business. As the Small Business Person of the Year for your state, you’d gain some recognition for your business and all your hard work at a national level. This could be good publicity. Last year, the Massachusetts Small Business Person of the Year Greg Acerra of Fireking Baking Company was even recognized as the runner-up in the national competition. This year, I would love to see the National Small Business Person of the Year come from New England!
If you have and amazing story to tell, and you want to nominate yourself for a NSBW award, there is still time, but you have to act fast! All nominations must be submitted electronically no later that 3:00pm ET on December 8, 2022. Winners will be announced during National Small Business Week in May 2023.