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Indiana District Office  

u s small business administration

Photo of two people with the following text, National Mentoring Month. The SBA logo is at the bottom.


Build your business – finding mentors to help webinar


When:  Jan 18, 3:30 pm ET

Where:  Online

Register now

About this event:

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) mission is to help small businesses to start, grow, expand and recover. To help in succeeding in our mission the SBA has resource partners that provide mostly at no cost FREE small business services. It’s always great to have a mentor that can provide you guidance and insight to specific industries. During this webinar you will hear from SBA Resource Partners on how they can help you in 2023 and beyond.

Hear from:

  • Women’s Business Center (WBC)
  • Indiana Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
  • Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC)
  • Community Navigators

Hear how our resource partners can mentor you and help with:

  • writing a business plan
  • understanding financial statements and projections
  • preparing for a loan
  • how to export
  • HR
  • tax information

and much more! You’ll also find out how to locate resource partners in your area, schedule an appointment with one or all of them as needed.

Registration is required. Webinar links and reminders will be emailed. You can also access the webinar on the day of the event by typing https://bit.ly/MentorMonthWebinar11823 into your web browser. See you there!

Questions?  Contact SBA Indiana Lead Outreach & Marketing Specialist Sharon Harvey at sharon.harvey@sba.gov.

Register now

Illustration of a computer and coffee cup with the following text, SBA District Office Latest Email Updates. The SBA logo is at the bottom.


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