u s small business administration

SBA Ascent Rural Program
Information Session

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Learn about an SBA Program for Women-Owned Business located in a rural areas.

Grow your small business while you learn!

Join us for one of our information sessions to learn more about a FREE SBA program for women-owned small businesses located in rural areas. The Ascent Rural Program is the first of its kind free program that will be a combination of online self-guided learning using the Ascent platform, as well as group virtual sessions.

Ascent’s group virtual sessions will provide a forum where program participants will meet with other women who have been selected for the Ascent cohort with representation from New Mexico and Utah. During the information sessions you will learn more about this program, how to apply, what is expected from you as a participant! 

Information sessions will be held weekly to learn more about the program and ask questions.



📆 WEEKLY, every Thursday, January 5—26, 2023 at 10:30 am MST 

Location: Virtual/Online (MS Teams)

Cost: Free

Intended audience: All women-owned rural small business owners

Join the event here


Or call in (audio only)

+1 385-210-0910,,84356896#   United States, Salt Lake City

Phone Conference ID: 843 568 96#

Need assistance or have questions about the webinar? 
New Mexico District Office – mercedes.chavez@sba.gov 
Utah District Office – jackie.hobson@sba.gov 

More About the Program

The Ascent Rural Program is targeted at women-owned rural small businesses located in rural areas throughout New Mexico and Utah. The virtual sessions will be presented in an interactive workshop format where subject matter experts in business, finance and contracting will discuss the Ascent modules, as well as share information that small business owners need to know to start, grow and succeed. If selected, you will join other entrepreneurs from rural areas in New Mexico and Utah for a six-week virtual program. You will go through self-guided training as you work on your own business. In addition, you will meet six times with your cohort in a virtual environment to share your experience, consult with subject matter experts in business and build your peer network.


To be eligible for this program, you must:

  • Be a women-owned small business located in a rural area Eligibility (usda.gov)
  • Be a start-up or have been in business less than 5 years
  • Have an average revenue from last 5 years less than $50,000
    (To calculate, annual gross revenue / years in business = average revenue)
    Note – If in business less than five years, state number of years in business and average revenue based on those years. For partial years in business round down to the number of full years in business. *(If start up and pre-revenue, state $0)

Application/Selection Process

  • Applicant Interviews January 30—February 3, 2023
  •  Program launch March 1, 2023  


Apply today! Space is limited.