Houston District Office Monthly Information Sessions
Attend these monthly virtual sessions to learn about federal contracting, access to capital, business basics, and how to connect with local support resources!
Federal Contracting Fridays
Friday, January 6 | 10:00am CDT | REGISTER
Session Topic: Certifications wrap up, Mentor-Protégé Program, 7(j) trainings.
Hosted By: Miguel Ruiz, Lead Business Opportunity Specialist
Talk Small Business Thursdays
Thursday, January 12 | 10:00am CDT | REGISTER
Session Topic: Ask the Houston District Office- Have questions about starting, growing, expanding, or recovering your small business? Join this weekly call with the Houston team to hear answers to commonly asked questions about federal contracting, SBA loans, Counseling, and Disaster Preparedness, and other small business resources!
Hosted By: Valerie Maher, Lead Economic Development Specialist
Money Mondays
Monday, January 23 | 2:00pm CDT | REGISTER
Session Topic: Five C’s of Credit: How to Obtain Funding- Learn about the 5 most important things lenders consider when you apply for a business loan.
Hosted By: Winston Labbé, Lead Lender Relations Specialist
Want More Ways to Connect with the SBA Houston District Office?
Want to learn more about SBA Programs & Services? Download the National Resource Guide HERE Descarga la Guía Nacional de Recursos (en español) AQUÍ
Questions? Please contact houston@sba.gov