Regulatory Alert: BLM Seeks Comments on Proposal to Modify Regulations to Reduce Waste of Natural Gas from Venting and Flaring
January 6, 2023
Written by: administrator
BLM Seeks Comments on Proposal to Modify Regulations to Reduce Waste of Natural Gas from Venting and Flaring
On November 30, 2022, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management published a proposed rule aimed at reducing the waste of natural gas lost during oil and gas exploration on BLM lands. The rule requires that operators take reasonable measures to reduce waste and allows BLM to determine such reasonable measures. In addition, the rule requires that all leaseholders submit a waste minimization plan for approval by BLM prior to approving a lease. Finally, the rule outlines royalty payments that would need to be made in the event that waste did occur. While BLM included an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis of the proposed rule, the agency states that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on substantial number of small entities. Small entities are encouraged to comment on the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis and all other aspects of the proposed rule. Written comments are due by January 30, 2023